She Said Yes!
For over ten years I’ve loved hearing couples tell the story about how they met, their first date and eventually, the proposal. It’s fun to hear how the groom-to-be often nervously asked permission of the bride’s father (sometimes with her mom present, other times without her there) and then planned the perfect time to finally ask the most important question of his life.
I’ve heard some wonderful stories lately – I’ve had some pretty lucky clients! Two clients lately have had Parisian proposals. Not 1, but 2! One bride, Sabrina, I knew was happening even before she did! (I was actually hired to plan the wedding by her groom, Danny and her mom before he’d even popped the question) So imagine my excitement when I, along with their parents, received giddy texts from across the pond when Sabrina said yes, with pictures of the sparkling ring? 🙂 The other bride was standing in the Lourve and in a state of complete shock when her betrothed asked for her hand … only to then see their entire families walking up to them moments later to celebrate!
College campuses are another sweet and sentimental place to propose. It was really fun to hear the engagement story of Notre Dame’s famed grotto playing host to recent alumns for a fall 2013 couple returning to campus for a football game this fall with both sets of parents.
Pets often play an important role. Whether they are used as a decoy, or hold a “Will you Marry Me?” sign, or have the ring tied around their neck, I always think it’s a sweet way to have four-legged children be involved in creating something so intimate and special. Whenever the pet is part of the proposal, if possible, I also try to include the pet in the wedding as well.
Recently I met a bride with a very sweet and special proposal. It really resonated with me. Her fiancé Brian asked her to marry him in front of the courthouse in the county of his parent’s hometown. In actuality, since they are to be married in that same county, they’ll actually get their marriage license at that same location. I found this location sweet and pure. I find the fact they’ll have to return here in a year and a half even more compelling – for years to come, they’ll be able to share their engagement story, from that very spot. 🙂
Some grooms propose back at the location of their first date – or at an important restaurant. Others choose a famous landmark. Regardless of where he asks – and in what arena – what makes this important is – how he asks. Not how many people witnessed this auspicious occasion, or whether it was on film, or part of a flashmob, or part of a grand gesture, but rather did he fully graciously tell the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with that he pictured every morning, with her. The good times and the bad. In sickness and in health… and that no matter what – he would be honored to have her have his last name. How else could she not say Yes?
Merci Beaucoup to the photographers who have captured the stunning heirloom rings my clients have been given by their grooms over the years. (In Order of appearance) Carpenter Photography and Design, Nathaniel Edmunds Photography, Meyer Photography, Jessica Strickland Photography
I am an Indianapolis event planner, wedding planner, bridal consultant bar mitzvah planner, bat mitvah planner, event designer and wedding designer. Monica Richard, MBC
6915 Bretton Circle, Indianapolis, IN 46268 317-460-3726