Tag:Indianapolis Wedding Planner
Think about it – we talk about food from the moment a person is born. “How is the baby eating?” “What was their first food?” We ask children, “what is your favorite food?” (often to the answer of ice cream or pizza) and as we begin dating that question “where do you want to go for dinner?” is an important one – so when planning your wedding menu it’s a critical point. Here are a few tips to help navigate […]
Bridal beauty goes far beyond the dress – and the ever important jewelry and the shoes – ohhh the shoes – it also includes bridal hair and makeup. It’s important to think in advance about hair and makeup as part of your overall look If you color your hair regularly, make sure you you’ve talked with your salon months beforehand and gotten the schedule of your appointments. Have an appointment with your stylist to practice your trial run and decide […]
I had a client about a year ago use a wonderful term for guests’ needs – temperature / restroom facilities / parking / proximity to food / guestroom accommodations – “their creature comforts” Thank you Anne – I love that term and I’ve adopted fully! I find myself referring to it often and thinking of you with fondness, smiling to myself as I tell other people about “creature comforts.” One way creature comforts factor into a wedding is the moment […]
Children across the country are heading back to school; as a wedding planner I am often asked about children and their role in a couple’s wedding. Whether it be the nieces and nephews of the bride and groom, a dear family friend or even their own child, a bride and groom often have wee ones they want to include into their wedding day. Many brides first began dreaming of their own wedding when they were a flower girl themselves. […]
“People in love shouldn’t have to put their dreams on hold because of life’s challenges….” Share the Love August 12 – 18, 2012 These words are part of the Wish Upon a Wedding video that welcome each viewer to the homepage of this amazing organization’s homepage. I am proud to serve as the President of the founding board for Indianapolis’s chapter and invite you to “Share the Love” this week August 12-18. If you know someone with a serious […]
The written wedding invitation first emerged in the Middle Ages when used exclusively by nobility. It has evolved over the years, however basic rules of etiquette still apply when sending that glorious envelope in the mail to your wedding guests. It is important to study up when first becoming engaged to ensure that you follow those rules. It is also important that you (gasp) have fun with your invitation! It’s the first glimpse into your wedding your guests will see […]
Right after the proposal many brides-to-be rush out to try on wedding dresses. One thing I advise my clients is to wait until they’ve decided on the date, venue and formality of the wedding before selecting their wedding before getting the dress. Last weekend one of my clients bought her dress which has inspired this, Mon Amie Events, Inc.’s first blog post! This post doesn’t come without over a decade of wedding planning experience and people from within the bridal […]